September 20, 2008
Downs Park, Pasadena, MD
Dogs had to rescue the baby from the water. 31 dogs started, 28 dogs Saved the Baby!! Great odds for the amount of wave action that we had.
More stats: 3 dogs mauled the baby (now missing an eye and several toes). One dog stole the baby (& ran off); one dog tried to bury the baby; and one dog tried to trade the baby for food that a real little human was eating!
The following dogs recieved awards for "Saving the baby":
Special notes: Oldest dog in game, Lucy (~12 yo); Oldest Flat-coats in game, Valley & Lin (10.5 yo)
Youngest Flat-coats in game, Zoomie & Jurel (5 months old); Rescue dog with no water experience, Duffy.
Owners had to predict if their dog would take or leave 5 items: tofu, jerky, shoe, apple, & toy.
25 dog (handler) teams attempted the game.
Five teams got perfect scores (5) in the first round and made it to the run-off:
Mesa (Diane Orth)
Chilly (Dawn Buttion)
Chase & Brook (Sandy Bulger)
Hannah (Cheryl Beach)
After *three* run-off rounds, Chase emerged triumphant!
Without using fetch commands, owners had to get dogs to continually take balls from a pile and deliver them to the handler.
Up to 20 balls could be collected; time limit was 2 minutes.
25 dog (handler) teams attempted the game.
The *resounding* winner was Solo (collecting 18 balls!!), handled by Judy Gladson.
River, handled by Linda Reynolds, was the runner up with a very respectable 16 balls collected!
Nine dogs and handlers signed up for the CGC. All passed.
Congratulations to:
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