2007 Annual Rosettes

34 CRFCRC dogs were awarded rosettes for titles earned in the year 2007!

** 6 titles **
Ch Rowansgaard Eustacia Vye CD SH AX AXJ WCX plus (OA OAJ) Mark & Dale Soper
** 5 titles **
Ch Blazin's Doppelbock UD JH AX AXJ OAP AJP WCX CGC HOF plus (NAP NJP OJP) Scott & Tina Borden
Ch Blazin's Eternal Flame CD RA AX AXJ NAJ AJP plus (NAP NJP OJP) Dawn Buttion & Marty Archambeault
** 4 titles **
Blazin's Hot Wheels CD JH OA OAJ WC plus (NA NAJ) Scott & Tina Borden
Ch MACH Shalyn's Wildood Flower CD RN MX MXJ NF CGC Anne Fisher
** 3 titles **
Ch Blazin's Enchanted Forest CD RA AX AXJ NAP NJP CGC Dawn Buttion & Marty Archambeault
Ch Blazin's Gardez La Foi RN NAP NJP Dawn Buttion & Marty Archambeault
Ch Coastalight Moon River JH WCX CGC Mark & Linda Reynolds
Ch Quillquest One of the Best JH WC Can WC Gillian Impey
Ch Salasana Double Arrow CD RA OA OAJ CGC Dawn Buttion & Marty Archambeault
** 2 titles **
Ch SHR Beachcliff Castles in the Sand JH Kevin & Stella Cooper
Bear Country April Breeze CDX SH OA NAJ April Senseney
Neverland's April of Claymore JH WC Alan Jenkins
Quillquest Out of Blu JH WC Bob Kobar
Quillquest Pip's Pearl JH WC Can WC Gillian Impey
Ch Quillquest's Leading Lady JH NA NAJ CGC Penny Woodward
Ch Shasta Whisky River JH WC Mark & Linda Reynolds
Ch SR TLC & Shalyn's Rhythm of the Island CDX RN JH NAP AX OAJ NAP WC CGC Sherri P Lilley
** 1 titles **
SR Allegro's Free Valley Sunrise CD RA JH WC CGC Penny Woodward
Ch Athercroft Not for a Melon Bucks Ruth Marsh
Ch Bl Mtn Flats Poetry in Motion RE CGC TDI Kevin & Stella Cooper
Ch Blazin's Fire on the Mountain CDX RA CGC Diane Orth
Ch Darktarn Bittersweet Glory UD MH WCX Dale Soper
Ch Evening Star's Air Apparent Chris McCoy
Falconcliffe Dark Delight MH WCX Can JH WC Gillian Impey
Ch Huntlane Chasin' Daisies JH WCX CGC John & Sandy Bulger
Ch Jazz'd Let the Sparks Fly CD RA AX AXJ NF Janice Anthes
Ch Petersfield The Anthropologist CGC TDI Kevin & Stella Cooper
Ch Quillquest Ghillie's Gem MH WCX Gillian Impey
Ch Salasana Blazin Arrow RN Dawn Buttion & Marty Archambeault
Ch Salasana Silver Arrow WC CGC Judy Terchek
Ch Shalyn's Not Just a Pretty Face CD RN NA NAJ WC CGC Sherri P Lilley
Victory's Clear Sailing CD MH WCX Judy Gladson
Ch Wyndfield's Conowingo Zephyr CGC Sylvia Horasek & Larry Wimmers
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