2005 Super Singles Fun Day

October 22, 2005
Cheltenham, MD

We were determined to have fun at our Super Singles Fun Day on Saturday despite the rainy weather! We had a drenching downpour for the morning setup, but by the time we got started running marks, the rain had subsided. Although the day was heavily clouded with occassional mist -- it wasn't bad all in all. Thanks to everyone who came out and participated, pitched-in to work, and made it a great event!! Special thanks to our judges Al Jenkins and Tony Hunt for doing a great job judging the event!! Chris and I would also like to thank Judy Gladson for procuring birds (and Bob Hux for providing them) and both Judy and John Bulger for lending equipment as well. And we greatly appreciated all the work and effort Richard Streett and Deb Brady put into providing us with hot coffee in the morning, and a wonderful BBQ meal with all the trimmings. The day was a true testiment to our community working together to make a fun and successful day! It was wonderful watching dogs and handlers display their talents, and great fun watching the puppies run out to their marks -- some discovering very early what this game is all about! To watch them run out, look at the bird or bumper, and instinctively pick it up and run back is not only a wonder to see, but an affirmation of the working ability in our breed. Congratulations to all the participants, and kudos to the following dogs and handlers who displayed their skills and earned placements and judges award of merits (JAMs) for the day: (breed indicated after names)


Chris LeBel, Event Chair
Janet Ciarico, Field Chair


Puppy 3-6 mo
1st Gusty (GR) Mary Owen
2nd Bess (FCR) Gillian Impey
3rd Watson (GR) Nancy Feuerle
4th Teddy (FCR) Laurie Stewart


Puppy 6-9 mo
1st Derry (FCR) Cathy McGarvey
2nd Lyric (FCR) Bob Hux


Puppy 9-12 mo
1st Story (FCR) Judy Gladson
2nd Zephyr (FCR) Sylvia Horasek
JAM Becky (FCR) Peg Palvern
JAM Ellie (FCR) Erik Kastner


1st Diggor (FCR) Beth Garland
2nd Marlee (FCR) Cathy McGarvey
3rd Jess (FCR) Gillian Impey
4th Ames (FCR) Geri Nicholson
JAM Chase (FCR) John Bulger


1st Ida (GR) George Feibelkorn
2nd Solo (FCR) Judy Gladson
3rd Amanda (GR) George Fiebelkorn
4th Risa (FCR) Janet Ciarico
JAM Sunny (LR) John Bulger
JAM Gem (FCR) Gillian Impey
JAM Cannon (GR) Martha Glenn
JAM Tori (GR) Laurie Collins
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