2003 Flat-Coat Family Reunion

September 13, 2003
Adelphi, MD

We all had a lot of fun at the Reunion, despite the tropical storm remnants that showed up to give us authentic tropical atmosphere. It was great to see all the dogs running around wearing leis among tikis, palm trees, flamingos, and a grass-skirt holding blind! The workers were wonderful and were in great spirits despite the sheets of rain. Bob Howley somehow barbequed in that weather! Special thanks to the Howleys, the Bulgers, the Bordens, Cheryl Beach, & Diane Fong for helping us pull this off. Game results are below.plus we also had lots of happy raffle & door prize winners.

Jane Boraczek & Cliff Williams, co-chairs

Game Results (a.k.a. the good, the bad, & the silly):

Swim past the birds (recall through "decoys"):

Not much of a swim because the current was high and we had to run it along the side of the stream. There was a wide range of scores here. Placements based on best times.

1st  Gracy & Sandy Howley
2nd  Briggs & Jack Torre
3rd  Magic & Penny Geddes (ran course backwards)

Other Awards:
Checked most decoys:  Ramey ( & Gloria McCleary)
Retrieved most decoys:  Sonny (Bulger's lab)
Most elegant launch (to retrieve a piece of trash):  Lin (& Cliff Williams)

Toy Shopping (agility with a twist):

The toys wound up being used as distractions in this game, which was run as a real mini agility course. Placements based on best time finishing all elements:

1st  Prue & Marty Archambeault
2nd  Risa & Cary Ciarico
3rd  Mesa & Diane Fong

Other Awards:
Most off course, but still finished:   Hope & Penny Geddes
Wrecked the most obstacles   (Gloria McClearyBess, the fcr, did fine)
Special Senior award:   "Finished whole course with bumper in her mouth in great time": Ravin (at 13 year old), run by Dawn

Tennis ball retrieve (from pool full of "decoys"i.e. rubber duckies and floating flamingos)

There was a WIDE range of performance here and many dogs never did bring a ball backbut retrieved lots of duckies. Placements based on best time with a tennis ball, and they were all in one (ball-obsessed) family (1st place is the Dam of 2nd and 3rd)!

1st  Augie & Dawn Buttion
2nd  Dino & Scott Borden
3rd  Vita & Tina Borden

Other Awards:
Finally got ball then pooped with ball in mouth: Tanner (& Sandy Bulger)
Best wallower: Briggs (run by Jack Torre)
Perseverance Award:Finally did bring back ball after several duckies (i.e. worst time, but still finished game!): Skiff (run by Jane Boraczek)

Precision Bumper Toss:

This was a people only game where you accumulated points by getting bumpers in/near the target areas. There were some awesome contenders here so we had to have a "toss off". Placements for best scores:

1st  Kathy McCoy
2nd  Jack Torre
3rd  Sandy Howley

Other Awards:
Most Unscrupulous Competitor:(in toss off): (we give awards for this?):   Bob Howley

Hot dog toss (back by popular demand!)

This is our classic hot dog toss with dogs catching pieces of hot dog from several distances. Here we had to have several toss offs and still came up with a tie for 3rd! Placements for most hot dogs caught over longest distances:

1st  Tanner & Sandy Bulger
2nd  Briggs & Jack Torre
3rd  Risa & Janet Ciarico tied with Bailey & Cary Ciarico (all in the family!)

Other Awards:
Most clueless(didn't try to catch even when hotdog hit her nose):  Prue (handled by Marty Archambeault)b

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