November 21 - 24, 2002
Howard County Fairgrounds
Well, we've just finished up the supported weekend at the Turkey Cluster and, by all accounts, it was our most successful ever. This event gets bigger and bigger every year. The entries were phenomenal, the prizes were well received, and we had record numbers of folks turn out for the lunch and auction. A small group of people made this weekend so successful and deserve thanks!! Thanks to all the volunteers from the club who made this event so special. Congratulations to all the winners!!
Very special thanks go to:
Kathi Leonhardt & Sandy Bulger, Match Co-Chairs
Cheryl Beach, Hospitality
Deb Brady, Participant Favors
National Capital KC, Thursday November 21st
Judge: Mr. Eugene Blake
Best Of Breed Ch Darktarn Neptune's Raven (Butsavage/Brumley)
Best Of Opposite Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams)
Best Winners/Winners Dog Quillquest Instant Ikon (Brady/Streett/Impey)
Reserve Winners Dog Rainbow's Riddle Me This (Johns)
Winners Bitch Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams)
Reserve Winners Bitch Mei Dan Haukansilma (Ulvinen)
Northeastern KC, Friday November 22nd
Judge: Mrs. George Wanner
Best Of Breed Ch Rainbow's Autumn Classis (Wallace/Everson)
Best Of Opposite Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams)
Best Winners/Winners Dog Bertschire Perk You Up Java (LeBel)
Reserve Winners Dog Brookestone's Diamond Mine (Elcan/Kanipe)
Winners Bitch Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams) **NEW CH**
Reserve Winners Bitch Kaydin's Leap of Faith (O'Tiarnaigh/Altmann/Rhodes)
FCRSA Fall 2001 Supported
Chesapeake KC, Saturday November 23rd
Sweepstakes Results - Judge, Peter Heide
6-9 Month Dogs: (2)
1 - Zenahaven Quillquest Zeeker (Palvern/Impey)
2 - Quillquest Zena's Tropper (Sinclair/Impey)
9-12 Month Dogs: (5)
1 - Brookestone's Diamond Mine (Elcan/Kanipe)
2 - Tidalflats' Sea Skiff (Boraczek/Williams)
3 - Seleya Quack Of Dawn (Nickerson)
4 - Tidalflats Brigantine (Torre)
12-18 Month Dogs: (2)
1 - Quillquest Harbor Haze (Barrell)
2 - Quillquest Hobbiton Hill (Baycar)
6-9 Month Bitches: (1)
1 - Light-Foot's Jump'N Jelly Bean (Meaker)
9-12 Month Bitches: (1)
1 - TLC Starlite's First Gleaming (Uminsky/Van Buren)
12-18 Month Bitches: (1)
1 - Quillquest Ghillie's Gem (Impey)
Best in Sweepstakes: Quillquest Harbor Haze
BOS in Sweepstakes: Light-Foot's Jump'N Jelly Bean
7-9 Years Dogs: (3)
1 - Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon UD JH AX , Cosmo (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)
2 - Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good (Marsh)
3 - Ch Flatford Darkside Of The Moon (Farwell)
9-11 Year Dogs: (2)
1 - Ch Seleya Get Sirius (Nickerson)
2 - Ch Renaissance Supersonic NA NAJ (Towers)
11 & Over Dogs: (1)
1 - Ch Char-Will's Midnight Walker CDX MX MXJ (Jones)
7-9 Years Bitches: (1)
1 - Ch Hillbrook Dory Of Tidalflats CD JH, Dory (Boraczek/Williams)
9-11 Years Bitches: (2)
1 - Ch Athercroft's Lil Dieuxz Coupe (Marsh)
2 - Ch Blazin's Alluvion Solitaire CD NAP, Augie (Buttion/Archambeault)
11 & Over Birches: (2)
1 - Ch Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA NAJ, Ravin (Buttion/Archambeault)
2 - Ch Petersfield S'leya At Wit's End (Nickerson/Slaney)
Best in Veteran Sweeps: Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon UD JH AX
BOS in Veteran Sweeps: Ch Athercroft's Lil Dieuxz Coupe
Regular Class Results - Judge, Gene Czerwinski
6-9 Month Dogs: (2)
1 - Zenahaven Quillquest Zeeker (Palvern/Impey)
9-12 Month Dogs: (3)
1 - Tidalflats Brigantine (Torre)
2 - Brookestone's Diamond Mine (Elcan/Kanipe)
3 - Seleya Quail Take Flight (Nickerson/Towers)
12-18 Month Dogs: (2)
1 - Quillquest Harbor Haze (Barrell)
2 - Quillquest Hobbiton Hill (Baycar)
Bred By Exhibitor Dogs: (3)
1 - Tidalflats' Sea Skiff (Boraczek/Williams)
2 - Quillquest Zena's Tropper (Sinclair/Impey)
3 - Seleya Quack Of Dawn (Nickerson)
Open Dogs: (4)
1 - Darktarn Rivermist Hudson (Joyce)
2 - Bertschire's Perk You Up Java (LeBel/Holsinger)
3 - Rainbow's Riddle Me This (Johns)
4 - Quillquest Instant Ikon (Brady/Streett/Impey)
Winners Dog: Darktarn Rivermist Hudson
Reserve Winners: Tidalflats Brigantine
6-9 Month Bitches: (1)
1 - Light-Foot's Jump'N Jelly Bean (Meaker)
9-12 Month Bitches: (1)
1 - TLC Starlite's First Gleaming (Uminsky/Van Buren)
Bred By Exhibitor Bitches: (4)
1 - Blazin's Eternal Flame, Prue (Buttion/Archambeault)
2 - Quillquest Ghillie's Gem (Impey)
3 - Tidalflats' Selkie, Selkie (Boraczek/Williams)
4 - Seleya's Locomotion (Nickerson)
Am-Bred Bitches: (2)
1 - Bertschire Not Even A Mouse (Beach/Slavin)
2 - Banquo's Disco Lady CD JH NA NAJ (Elcan/Leigh/McElrath)
Open Bitches: (9)
1 - Mei Dan Haukansilma (Ulvinen)
2 - Bertschire's Avalanche JH , Brook (Bulger/Slavin)
3 - Kaydin's Leap Of Faith (O'Tiarnaigh/Altmann/Rhodes)
4 - Scarlet of Char-Will (Appa)
Winners Bitch: Mei Dan Haukansilma
Reserve Winners: Bertschire's Avalanche JH
Veteran Dogs: (4)
1 - Ch Flatford Darkside Of The Moon (Farwell)
2 - Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon UD JH AX , Cosmo (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)
3 - Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good (Marsh)
4 - Ch Seleya Get Sirius (Nickerson)
Field Dogs: (2)
1 - Ch Blazin's Carpe Diem CDX SH, Dino (Borden)
2 - Ch Victory's Bravo Zulu CD SH AX AXJ , Zu (Hutchinson)
Working Dogs: (3)
1 - Ch Allegro's Free Man In Paris JH, Beau (Reynolds)
2 - Ch Hallbent Most Happy Fella JH , Jordan (Leonhardt)
3 - Ch Whitland Hy Frequency JH , Tiger (Stewart)
Veteran Bitches: (1)
1 - Ch Petersfield S'leya At Wit's End (Nickerson/Slaney)
Working Bitches: (4)
1 - Ch Quillquest's Xuberance CDX JH (Impey)
2 - Ch Banquo's Empire Strikes Back JH (Elcan/Leigh/McElrath)
3 - Ch Darktarn Bittersweet Glory CD JH (Soper)
4 - Ch Blazin Dunlin Of Tidalflats, Lin (Boraczek/Williams)
Best Of Breed: Ch Rainbow's Autumn Classic (Wallace/Evenson)
Best Of Winners: Mei Dan Haukansilma (Ulvinen)
Best Of Opposite: Ch Quillquest Wendy's Wagtail SH (Impey)
Stud Dog: (3)
1 - Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good (Marsh)
2 - Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon UD JH AX , Cosmo (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)
3 - Ch Seleya Get Sirius (Nickerson)
Brood Bitch: (4)
1 - Ch Quillquest Xuberance CDX JH (Impey)
2 - Ch Blazin's Alluvion Solitaire CD NAP, Augie (Buttion/Archambeault)
3 - Seleya Locomotion (Nickerson)
4 - Ch Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA NAJ, Ravin (Buttion/Archambeault)
Brace: (1)
1 - Ch Seleya Get Sirius & Seleya Crack Of Dawn (Nickerson)
CRFCRC Supported Entry
Upper Marlboro KC, Sunday November 24th
Judge: Dr. Sidney Remmele
Best Of Breed Ch Darktarn Neptune's Raven (Butsavage/Brumley)
Best Of Opposite Ch Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams)
Best Winners/Winners Bitch Ch Blue Mt's Jetta Of Char-Will (Williams)
Reserve Winners Bitch Bertschire Not Even A Mouse (Beach)
Winners Dog Bertschire's Perk You Up Java (Lebel/Holsinger)
Reserve Winners Dog Brookestone's Diamond Mine (Elcan/Kanipe)
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