2000 FCRSA National Specialty - CRFCRC Results

May 13-21, 2000
Lexington, KY


Very special congratulations go to these CRFCRC members:

  • Ruth Marsh and Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good won Specialty Best of Breed!
  • Judy Delventhal, a CRFCRC founding member, was voted in as president of the Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America.
  • Mark and Judy Delventhal and CH Victory's Attention On Deck CD SH AX AXJ WCX HOF, "AtEase".
    At Ease is their **4th** flat coat inducted into the Hall of Fame, joining CH Hy-Tymes Virginia Reel CDX SH AX WCX HOF, "Ginnie", CH Hy-Tymes Victory Peter Pan CD MH MX AXJ WCX HOF, "Flyer", and her mother CH Hy-Tymes Even Keel UDT SH AX WCX HOF, "Kelly".

    From Judy:"This actually makes AtEase a 5th HOF dog on both sides of her pedigree and we are actually pretty thrilled to have her mother and her in at the same time. God willing, they'll all make a repeat performance in the Ring of Honor in 2001."

          .....and to our two Triple Crown winners:

  • Melody Daniels and Ch SR U-CD U-AG1 Blazin's Back O' The Moon CDX JH NA WC, "Cosmo"
  • Dawn Buttion, Marty Archambeault and Ch SR Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA WCX, "Ravin"

Agility Results

Excellent B 24"
1st Ch Hy-Tymes Victory Peter Pan CD MX AXJ MH (Delventhal)

Open 24" (25)
1st Ch Victory's Bravo Zulu NA OAJ JH (Hutchinson)

Novice B 20" (7)
2nd Ch Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA (Buttion/Archambeault)

Novice B 24" (20)
Riverly Artistry In Motion (Arble)

Novice A 24" (22)
1st Aspengrove ADK Mr Prsonality CDX JH (Ciarico)

Excellent B JWW 24" (15)
3rd Savvy's Summer Mirage CD TD MX AXJ JH (Arble)

Novice B JWW 20" (8)
2nd Ch Blazin's Dressed To Impress (Leigh/McElrath/Buttion/Archambeault)

Novice B JWW 24" (40)
2nd Riverly Artistry In Motion (Arble)

Obedience Results
Novice B
187.0 Riverly Artistry In Motion (Arble)

Open A
2nd 181.5+ Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon CD JH NA (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)

3rd 181.5 Savvy's Summer Mirage CD TD MX AXJ JH (Arble)

Open B
183.0 Quillquest Xenia Twister CDX JH OA AXJ (Gorman/Campbell)

Ch Victory's Bird in the Hand JH WC (Stewart)

Versatility Obedience
Quillquest Xenia Twister CDX JH OA AXJ (Gorman/Campbell)

Team Obedience
4th The Victory B litter Team, including Ch Victory's Bird in the Hand JH WC (Stewart)

Sweepstakes Results   

7-9 Dogs 2nd Ch Quillquest Peter Pan (Boteler)

7-9 Bitches 4th Ch Quillquest Phen's Born To Win JH (Impey)

9-11 Bitches 2nd Ch Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA (Buttion/Archambeault)

11> Bitches 2nd Ch Beaverun's Triple Crown UDT JH OA (Meaker/Palmer)

Conformation Results   

15-18 Dogs 3rd Quillquest Band Plays On (Brumley)

9-12 Bitches 2nd Quillquest Dinamite (Impey)

12-15 Bitches 2nd Light-Foot's Tigger Too (Meaker)

Regular Classes

12-18 Dogs 1st Quillquest Band Plays On (Brumley)

Open Dogs 1st Whitland Hy Frequency JH (Stewart)

Working Dogs 4th Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon CD JH NA WC (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)

9-12 Bitches 2nd Quillquest Desiree (Appa/Impey)

12-18 Bitches 2nd Light-Foot's Tigger Too (Meaker)

Novice Bitches 1st Scarlet of Char-Will (Appa)

Bred By Bitches 3rd Quillquest Dinamite (Impey)

Veteran Dogs 7-9 2nd Ch Quillquest Peter Pan (Boteler)

Veteran Bitches 11> Ch Beaverun's Triple Crown UDT JH OA (Meaker/Palmer)

BOB Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good (Marsh)

Field Results  

Field Trial
Qualifying 4th Ch Hy-Tymes Victory Peter Pan CD MH MX AXJ WCX (Delventhal)

JAM Ch Hy-Tymes Virginia Reel CDX SH AX WCX (Delventhal/Sutton)

Ch Victory's Bird In Hand JH WC (Stewart)

Ch Victory's Bravo Zulu JH NA NAJ (Hutchinson)

Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon CD JH NA WC (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)

Ch Lyric Queen Of The Mountain CDX JH NA WCX (Buttion/Archambeault)

Ch Quillquest Xuberance (Impey)

Ch Blazin's Cill Padraig JH NA (Garland)

Ch Victory's Bird In Hand JH WC (Stewart)

Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon CD JH NA WC (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)

Allegro's Free Man In Paris WC (Reynolds)

Bertschire's Avalanche (Bulger/Holsinger)

Quillquest Xenia Twister CDX JH OA AXJ WC (Gorman / Campbell)

1st Ch Victory's Bravo Zulu JH NA NAJ (Hutchinson)

3rd Quillquest's Xenia Twister CDX OA AXJ WC (Gorman/Campbell)

1st Ch Quillquest Xuberance (Impey)

4th Allegro's Free Man In Paris WC (Reynolds)

JAM Ch Blazin's Back O' The Moon CD JH NA WC (Daniels/Buttion/Archambeault)

JAM Ch Victory's Bird in the Hand JH WC (Stewart)

JAM Bertschire's Avalanche WC (Bulger/Holsinger)

JAM Rainbow Autumn's First Frost JH WC (Ciarico)

JAM Aspengrove ADK Mr Prsonality CDX JH NA NAJ WC (Ciarico)

JAM Ch Victory's Beck And Call OA OAJ (Cody/Delventhal)


Reserve - Ch Victory's Attention on Deck CD SH AX AXJ WCX (Delventhal)

JAM Aheka Smoke In His Eyes CD JH WC, Cinders (Stephens)

Personal Notes 

 from Ruth Marsh, owner of Davis, Ch Athercroft If It Fields Good, who won Best of Breed at the  FCRSA National Specialty:

What a difference a week makes!  As I watch Davis run around the backyard tearing up the trash he has 'liberated' from the cans, I can't help but think back to the win.  It was such a stunner!  I almost didn't go as Cooper was due to whelp.  My husband and Mother
promised they could handle it all, after all she wouldn't whelp till I came back home.   Of course, Cooper whelped the same day as best of breed and we now have four pups at home.   Needless to say, I am glad that I went, it was a memorable experiance.  My thanks to all of the club members who were so supportive.  The National is such a great place to see the breed types from all over the country.
I think the club as a whole had a fabulous national!  What a great group of talented dogs and their owners."

from Al Jenkins, owner of Ch SR Lyric's Kay CD JH WCX CGC TDI, Katie:

"It's getting pretty bad when I have to brag about not making it through a test.  Be that as it may, Katie - Ch SR Lyric's Kay CD JH WCX CGC TDI did make it through the first round of the first FCR Field Trial/Qualifying stake and while pregnant!"

from John Bulger, owner of Bertshire's Avalanche WC, Brook:

"I'd like to place a brag for Bertshire's Avalanche's (Brook) two in a row  WC's, the last one being at the specialty.  If a brag on a JAM is appropriate (and I think it is) she JAMed USS B at the specialty.

Her handler, John "Gimpy" Bulger, got a perfect 10 in handler aerials and has retired from that class."

From Linda Reynolds, of Allegro Retrievers:

"CH Quillquest Peter Pan, "Sam", owned by George and Saralee Boteler  and handled by Linda Reynolds, came out of hiding for some big fun in  Kentucky at the National Specialty.   Sam took 2nd place in his 7-9  Veteran Sweeps class under breeder judge Maureen Kolasa, and followed  that with another 2nd place in Veterans 7-9 under English judge Peter Johnson."

Singles Competition, Play by Play 
From John Bulger, with input from others:

"Now sports fans, hang on to your hats! Here’s where CRFCRC dogs really shine! Capitol Region dogs, with Capitol Region owner-handlers, won, yes WON two of the three events and took reserve (equivalent to second place) in the third! Kate Hutchinson and Zu took Unsteady Singles (USS) A, and Gillian Impey and Ubi took USS B. In addition, Monica Gorman and Tupper captured third place in USS A and Linda Reynolds and Beau grabbed fourth place USS B honors. Approximately 90 dogs were entered in the combined USS competitions, Thirteen were Capitol Region dogs. Eleven either placed or were awarded JAMs (see below).

To appreciate the excitement of the Singles Championship I need to provide some background. First, let me tell you about Monica and Bill Stephen’s Cinders. Bill and I train a lot together so I know a little about Cinders strengths and weaknesses. Steadyness is not one of Cinder’s strong suits, so I’m sure Bill’s stomach was churning as he approached the line. The water series commenced with a short "breaker bird", (a mark designed to cause the dog to break from the line before the handler released him), right across the nose of the dog and into the water. Cinders, the arch breaker, handled it like a champ, though Bill did confide that the dog was quivering a bit. Cinders went on to tie Chat (Ch Arctic Sun’s Wingover Chat MH, owned by Bunny Millikin) one of the strongest field dogs on the grounds that day, for first place in that Singles Competition section. Chat took first for the section in a single mark run off, leaving Cinders with a JAM and the honor of test dog for the final Singles Competition run-off. This is a terrific accomplishment for any dog, and we extend our hearty congratulations to Cinders and the Stevens’.

I’m not through! There is still a Capitol Region dog in the running sports fans! The Singles Championship was divided into two flights. Ch Victory’s Attention on Deck (At Ease) handled by Judy Delventhal, took first in the other Singles Competition flight and now faced Chat. At Ease’ keen marking ability was evident in her performance. She beat the four dogs that placed in the Qualifying Field Trial in winning her flight! The judges devised a test to further challenge both dogs in a one-mark run off. It was a long side-hill mark, with the wind blowing down the hill, from the gunners, near the top of the hill, to the bird, thrown by a winger over half way down the hill. If the dog stayed on a true line to the bird, or even downhill a little, he should get a nose full of scent if he passed the bird. If the dog got sucked up the hill, perhaps if attracted to the gunners, expect a longer hunt.

Chat ran first. He ran a good line, slightly up the hill, putting the bird down wind to his line, but after a short hunt found the bird. At Ease’ turn. Judy sent her on a perfect line. She stuck to it like a lure courser on the bag and appeared destined to nail the mark. Twenty strides to the bird, fifteen, ten, five, wow! Then something pulled At Ease up that damn hill as if she was the lure-coursing bag at a turn. So close! Mark tells me she actually was downwind of the bird, but in a slight hollow. The late afternoon heat put the scent pocket over her head. After a modest hunt she found the bird and brought it back for the Reserve ribbon. What a thrill it was to watch, and what a terrific accomplishment for At Ease and Judy. Congratulations!

The final Capitol Region results for the Singles Championship are above.

On to the Master National!"

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